
The purpose of this documentation and tutorial guide is to get you able to configure your new theme as soon as possible in a quick and easy way, we also introduce you to some of the most common functions and tasks when using this type of website. Firstly, we will make sure everything is ready to go for installation, then we will set the theme, and then we will cover some of the initial setup and customization options that you will most likely use.

Theme Requirements

PsyPlay requires that your copy of WordPress be the latest version to avoid any possible incompatibility. If you are not sure of that, you can go to WordPress Repository and download the latest version, decompress the zip file so you can save it somewhere useful on your computer.

It is important that your version of Apache supports mod_rewrite so you can seamlessly configure permanent links and PHPMailer enabled on your hosting/server account for the report system to work.


Before you can proceed to the installation, you have to download the theme file (PsyPlay.7z) and & Custom Fields (ACF-Parameters.7z) from our website’s account dashboard ( > then extract it to get the files ( & ACF-Parameters.json) which you will use to upload to the wp-admin.

To install PsyPlay Theme on WordPress, you have two options, either by uploading the compressed file (recommended) in wp-admin or uploading the complete uncompressed file via FTP (Advanced).

Method 1: WordPress themes installer

This method is undoubtedly the most recommended, it is very simple to achieve the installation and we will ensure that the files are complete at the end, just follow the next steps.

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  2. In the menu of WordPress go to the option of “Appearance”.
  3. Select “Themes”.
  4. Now Select “Add New”.
  5. Select “Upload Theme”.
  6. Now in the pack you just downloaded select the file (The file you extracted from the PsyPlay.7z you downloaded from our website) and click the “Install Now” button.
  7. After uploading the file, click on “Activate”.

Method 2: Upload & Install via FTP

This method is undoubtedly the most recommended, it is very simple to achieve the installation and we will ensure that the files are complete at the end, just follow the next steps.

  1. Unzip the (The file you extracted from the PsyPlay.7z you downloaded from our website) file and locate the folder in an easily accessible place on your computer.
  2. Use the FTP client of your choice to transfer the files.
  3. Verify that the files are fully loaded.
  4. Now we are ready to activate the theme, for this we go to our Menu of the administration panel of WordPress we go> “Appearance”> “Themes”, activate PsyPlay and ready.

License Activation

To ensure that everything works properly, it is important that the product is activated, activating your PsyPlay license will ensure permanent updates and the absolute guarantee that the product will work to the maximum of its capabilities.

The indispensable requirement for this step is to have a valid license of PsyPlay, you can find it in your email at the time of making your purchase, or you can also see it in your purchase history, that code has the following format ( LAO3F7SQMZ5A1JDT2RUXE ) consists of 21 Characters between uppercase letters and numbers

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel (
  2. In the WordPress menu Go to “Appearance” > “Theme License”.
  3. Click “Save Changes.”
  4. Now click on “Activate License”.

Now your website will be linked to our repository and your copy of PsyPlay is 100% functional, all available functions can already be used without problems.

Initial Setup

Unpon activating your theme & license, every necessary settings are being changed already but to make sure everything is correct, we need to re-save all the changes.

#1 Required Plugin – Installation

After activating the theme, a warning notice will appear above your wp admin’s header, saying “The following required plugins are currently inactive: WP-PostRatings Plugin and WP-Postviews Plugin.” and you have to install that two necessary plugins.

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  2. In the warning notice, Click “Begin Activating Plugins”.
  3. In “WP-PostRatings Plugin”, Click “Install”.
  4. Click “Return to Required Plugins Installer”
  5. In “WP-Postviews Plugin”, Click “Install”.
  6. Done!

#2 – Custom Fields

  1. Login to PsyThemes site.
  2. Download “ACF Parameters” on your purchase & Extract the files.
  3. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  4. In wordpress menu go to “Custom Fields” -> “Tools”.
  5. In “Import Fields” section, click “Choose file”.
  6. Find & Select the file you extracted earlier “PsyPlay_EN.json”.
  7. Click “Import” & it’s done.

#3 – Main Settings (Permalinks)

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu go to “Settings” -> “Permalinks”.
  3. In “Common Settings”, click to select”Post Name”
  4. Once done, click “Save Changes”.

#3.2 – Main Settings (Membership)

In this section of tutorial you will learn how to allow user registration and enable membership system on your wordpress site.

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  2. In WordPress menu CLICK “Settings”.
  3. In “Membership, click “Anyone can register” to CHECK it.
  4. Scroll down and click “Save changes”.

#4 – reCaptcha

Recaptcha is necessary if you want to use “Report”, “Registration” and “WordPress Comments”. You can get your site key & private key here

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  2. In WordPress menu, Go to “Appearance” > click “PsyPlay Options”.
  3. In “reCaptcha Settings” enter your “Site key”.
  4. In “Private Key”, enter your key.
  5. Click “Save changes”.

#5 – SEO Settings (optional)

REMINDER: If you’re “NOT” using or don’t have any SEO plugin installed, Just leave it as activated and “Fill all” the forms of “Site Title”, “Tagline”, “Alternative name”, “Main keywords”, “Meta description”.

Deactivating PsyPlay’s SEO

You should only do this 2nd step if you’re using any other SEO Plugin. That way the theme’s SEO features won’t conflict with the other seo plugin.

  1. Access your WordPress site and open the admin panel.
  2. In WordPress menu, Go to “Appearance” > click “PsyPlay Options”.
  3. In PsyPlay option menu click “SEO”
  4. Under SEO menu, click “Basic Settings”
  5. In “Basic SEO”, Un-check “Actvate” to deactivate then click “Save Changes”.

Menu Settings

Upon activating your theme & license, all the necessary menus are generated automatically and all you have to do is add the links & configure it to your desire.

Main Menu

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu go to “Appearance” -> “Menus”.
  3. In edit menu tab, select “Main Menu” in the dropdown then click “Select”.
  4. Configure the links. Add links & rename it to your desire.
  5. In the bottom, find “Menu Settings”.
  6. In “Display location”, “CHECK” the “Menu Header”.
  7. Click “Save Menu”.

Footer Menu #1

  1. In edit menu tab, select “Footer Menu 1” in the dropdown then click “Select”.
  2. In the “Menu Name” replace the text “Footer Menu 1” to your desired menu title. (It will appear on your footer)
  3. In Menu structure, Configure the links. Add links & rename it to your desire.
  4. In the bottom, find “Menu Settings”.
  5. In “Display location”, “CHECK” the “Footer Menu 1”.
  6. Click “Save Menu”.

Footer Menu #2

  1. In edit menu tab, select “Footer Menu 2” in the dropdown then click “Select”.
  2. In the “Menu Name” replace the text “Footer Menu 2” to your desired menu title. (It will appear on your footer)
  3. In Menu structure, Configure the links. Add links & rename it to your desire.
  4. In the bottom, find “Menu Settings”.
  5. In “Display location”, “CHECK” the “Footer Menu 2”.
  6. Click “Save Menu”.

Footer Menu #3

  1. In edit menu tab, select “Footer Menu 3” in the dropdown then click “Select”.
  2. In the “Menu Name” replace the text “Footer Menu 3” to your desired menu title. (It will appear on your footer)
  3. In Menu structure, Configure the links. Add links & rename it to your desire.
  4. In the bottom, find “Menu Settings”.
  5. In “Display location”, “CHECK” the “Footer Menu 3”.
  6. Click “Save Menu”.

Menu Locations

  1. Meanu Header: The main navigation menu on top of your site
  2. Footer Menu 1: The first navigation menu on your site’s footer.
  3. Footer Menu 2: The Second navigation menu on your site’s footer.
  4. Footer Menu 3: The Third navigation menu on your site’s footer.

Initial Adjustments

In this area of ​​the framework we can configure our site’s favicon, admin logo, brands, posts per page, google recaptcha, and essential integrations such as Google Analytics.


TMDb API Configuration
(click image to enlarge)

This tool will allow you to generate content quickly and orderly, simply by entering the IMDb ID, you will be able to generate content with a single click. Now the configuration of this tool requires that you have an API key, which is available in Themoviedb. Org you just need to create an account and in the information of your account you can generate your API key.


In this module we can handle the comments system, by default the comments are those of WordPress, but you can also configure comments from Facebook or Disqus, as best suits you.

Comments Settings
(click image to enlarge)


Facebook Comments: If you use this system of comments, it is advisable to complete the fields of integration with an authorized API of Facebook, this so that you can moderate the cometarios of your page Web in the social network.

WordPress comments: It is important that you install and use Akismet – WordPress Plugin if you want to use this feedback system to block unnecessary and spam comments.

Social Buttons – Sharing Tool

In this section we will teach you how to setup social buttons on your site using script. Social Buttons can be activated in various location such as in featured slider, watch pages, and article post.

Reminder: Please leave the “AddThis ID” textbox if you’re not using it to avoid problems and misconfiguration.

AddThis Setup Tutorial

Once you’re done on setting up & getting you AddThis ID.Follow this steps.

Social Buttons – Installation

  1. In WordPress menu, Go to “Appearance” > click “PsyPlay Options”.
  2. Scroll down & go to “Social Buttons”.
  3. In “AddThis ID”, enter your ID which you get from the video tutorial above.
  4. Select which pages you want the social buttons to appear.
  5. Add the message you want to appear in slider.
  6. Once done, click “Save changes”.

Featured Slider

In this area of ​​the framework we can configure which type of movies do we want to see on the featured slider. In this setting we make it possible for you to filter it by category. If the “Filter movies: By Category” setting is DISABLED, the featured slider will use the latest movies which is released in current year.

Featured Slider
(click image to enlarge)


Make sure to make a custom category to add all your featured movies to. Any category used to filter the movies in the slider will be hidden.

Filter Movies: by Category

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu click “PsyPlay Options
  3. In PsyPlay menu, Go to “Homepage” -> “Featured Slider”.
  4. Go “Featured Movies” section, find “Filter Movies by: Category” then select “Enable”.
  5. In the “Category ID” textbox, enter your desired category you want filter your movies with.
  6. In “Featured Movies Amount”, change it to the amount of images you want to appear in your slider.
  7. Click “Save Changes”.

Footer Settings

Footer Settings
(click image to enlarge)

In this section we will cover everything about your site’s footer. From navigations, social buttons, logo, disclaimer and branding.

Note: If any of the text fields are empty, it will use the default.

Changing Copyrights & Disclaimer.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In WordPress menu, Go to “Appearance” > click “PsyPlay Options”.
  3. In PsyPlay menu, Go to “Configuration” -> “Footer Settings”.
  4. Go “Copyrights & Disclaimer” section
  5. In “Copyright Footer Text” textbox, Place your custom copyright texts.
  6. In “Disclaimer Footer Text” textbox, Place your custom disclaimer texts.
  7. Click “Save Changes”.

Ads Locations

Archive Pages

  1. Result Pages – The page that shows the result when user used “Search” or “Click” an internal links / tags.
  2. Archive Pages – Movies Archive, TV-Series archive, Episodes Archive, Articles Archive.
  3. Top/Most Archives – Top IMDb Page, Most Viewed Page, Most Favorite Page, Most Rating Page

Watch Pages

  1. Movies Page – Ex:
  2. TV-Series Page – Ex:
  3. Episode Page –

Single Pages

  1. Articles Archive – The page where all your articles are being shown. Ex:
  2. Article Post – The page of a “single” article. Ex:
  3. Single Pages – The page created in the “Pages” post type and “NOT” in the article post type.

Code Integrations

Code Integrations
(click image to enlarge)

This settings can be very useful if we want to make specific modifications in the theme without having to involve the modification of the original code. This settings will allow us to add custom CSS or JS codes with the sole intention of making advanced customizations.

HTML Minifier

Code Integrations
(click image to enlarge)

This settings will allow you to minify the html output of your site which could then help you increase your site’s loading speed.

Publishing Contents

In this section we will cover everything you need to learn about publishing a movie, series, episode, articles, adding download links, watch links, and subtitle links. It will also teach you how to generate data properly and detect duplicate contents.

Publishing Articles

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu go to “Articles” -> click “Add Articles”
  3. Now add your article’s title & content.
  4. Select a category for the article you’re making. (Category will be used in displaying related articles)
  5. If you’re article’s about a movie that’s already been publish on your site, go to “Movies in this Article” and attach it. Confused? For detailed tutorial, Click Here
  6. In “Article Thumbnail”, the upload an image you want to use as thumbnail. (It will appear on the article archives)
  7. Click “Publish”.

Article – Adding Cover Photo

If this field is empty, the system will find an image on your article’s content and use the very first image in it. If your article doesn’t have any image, default no-photo background will be used.

  1. Under content editor, scroll down and find “Article Heading” section.
  2. Click “Upload” and the media uploader will popup.
  3. Click “Select Files” and choose the image you want to use as cover photo. (Recommended resolution: 800×250)
  4. Scroll down and click “File Url” button.
  5. In the “Link URL” Textbox, copy the url of your image & close the media uploader.
  6. Go back to “Article Cover Photo” textbox
  7. Paste the url you copied earlier and it’s done!

Adding Movies

In this section you will learn how to publish MOVIES on your site and generate all the necessary contents the right way.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu go to “Movies” -> click “Add Movies”
  3. Go to the “Movie Information” section.
  4. In the “Generate Data” textbox, enter the ID of the movie. (Ex: – The id is tt2911666)
  5. If the movie you’re adding is going to be displayed in the “Featured Slider”. We recommend you use a better & high quality image and enter the image url in “Slider Featured Image”
    textbox. (Recommended resolution: 1200×418)
  6. Go to “Video Player” section and add the videos for your movie. Confused? For detailed tutorial, Click Here
  7. If you want to add download links, Go to “Add Links” section and add the links for downloads, online watch and subtitle downloads. Confused? For detailed tutorial,
  8. Once everything’s correct and done, Click “Publish”.

Adding TV-Series

In this section you will learn how to publish TV-SERIES on your site and generate all the necessary contents the right way.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu go to “TV-Series” -> click “Add TV-Series”
  3. Go to the “TV-Series Information” section.
  4. In the “Generate Data” textbox, enter the ID of the series. (Ex: – The id is 1402)
  5. Go to Seasons & Episode section and add the title & slug of each episodes to link it. Click Here
  6. Once everything’s correct and done, Click “Publish”.

TVSeries – Seasons & Episodes Link

In this section you will learn how to link each and all of the EPISODES of the series you’re adding.

Seasons & Episodes Link
(click image to enlarge)

  1. In the “Seasons & Episodes section, click “Add Seasons”.
  2. Click “Add Episodes”.
  3. In “Slug” add the slug of each episodes of the series you’re adding. (Ex: The slug for episode 1 is: the-walking-dead-season-1-episode-1, for episode 2 is: the-walking-dead-season-1-episode-2 and so on.)
  4. Add the title for each episode which you can get in the generated data in episodes post or on tmdb site. It is optional and possible to leave it blank. (

Adding Episodes – Manually

In this section you will learn how to publish EPISODES on your site and generate all the necessary contents the right way.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu go to “Episodes” -> click “Add Episodes”
  3. Go to the “Episode Information” section, then go to “Generate Data” Section.
  4. In the first textbox, Enter the ID of the series where your episode belong.
  5. In the second textbox, Enter in which Season’s number the episode belong to.
  6. In the third textbox, Enter which is the number of the episode you’re adding.
  7. Click “Generate Data” and all the necessary data will be generated.
  8. Once everything’s correct and done, Click “Publish”.

Generate Episodes (Entire Season)

In this section you will learn how to generate ALL EPISODES for a specific for ENTIRE SEASON.

  1. Log in to your WordPress site and open the Admin panel.
  2. In the WordPress menu click “Episodes”.
  3. On the very top of the page, Go to “Generate Episodes” Section.
  4. In the “First” textbox, enter the ID of the series which your episode belongs to.
  5. In the “Second” textbox, enter the Season Number you want all the episodes to generate from.
  6. Click “Generate”.
  7. Do “NOT” refresh the page and wait till the loading is finished.

Duplicate Content

In this section we will show you how to detect same posts before publishing it in order to prevent dulicate post. Duplicate content checker works is available in all post type, Articles,
Movies, TV Shows, and episodes.

Types of Notices

  1. Duplicate Post Detected = This content already exists, we recommend not to publish.
  2. NO Duplicate Post = Excellent! this content is unique.

Movies, TVSeries, Episodes – Duplicate Content Check

  1. Upon clicking the “Generate Data” button, a notice “Data were completed, check please” and button “Check Duplicate Content” will appear.
  2. Click “Check Duplicate Content”.
  3. If the notice is green, you can publish it. If the notice is red, we recommend you not publishing it as a duplicated content has been detected.

Articles – Duplicate Content Check

  1. Once you’re done placing your article’s title & content, simply “HOVER” your mouse on the publish button. (Hover, NOT click)
  2. A notice will appear, check if the notice is red or green.

Video Player

In this section you will learn how to add video players on your movie & episodes using the custom fields. For a detailed tutorial, Watch Video Tutorial.

Seasons & Episodes Link
(click image to enlarge)

  1. Once you’re done generating all the data, go to “Video Player” section of movies/episode.
  2. Click “Add Player”
  3. Enter the html “Embed Code” of your video player.
  4. Choose the “Quality” of your video.
  5. Just repeat the steps to add a new player.

Download, Watch & Subtitle Links

In this section you will learn how to add download links, watch online links, and subtitle downloads on your movie & episodes using the custom fields. For a detailed tutorial, Watch Video Tutorial.

Seasons & Episodes Link
(click image to enlarge)

  1. Once you’re done generating all the data, go to “Add Links” section of movies/episode.
  2. Choose “which” link you want to add, “Download” or “Watch Online” or “Subtitle”.
  3. Click “Add Link”.
  4. Enter the “URL” of your link. (Ex:
  5. Enter the server domain of your URL/Link. (Ex: The url is the server is: – This will text will be use to display text & icon on your links)
  6. Choose the language of your video.
  7. Choose the quality of your video.
  8. Just repeat the steps to add a link.

Custom Fields – Video Tutorials

In this section you will be able to watch a detailed “VIDEO TUTORIAL” on how to add servers & languages in download links, watch online links, subtitle download links, and quality in video player.

Video Player – Adding New Quality

A detailed video tutorial on how to add new quality in your video player field.

External Links – Adding New Server

A detailed video tutorial on how to add new servers in your download, watch & subtitle link field.

External Links – Adding New Language/Flag

A detailed video tutorial on how to add new language & flag in your download, watch & subtitle link field.